
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Keperluan badan kepada air kosong

Perkongsian dari WhatsApp.

How should we drink, " eight cups of water every day

Recently, Malaysia's weather is very hot, and friends know that it should drink more water.
What's the point of drinking water? How much water do you want to drink every day? When do you want to drink? What do you want to drink? What do you need to pay attention to? How much water is it?

In General, healthy adults should have at least 1.5 litres of water per day to meet the normal needs of their bodies. For example, with 50 kg of weight, some 1750 ml of water will need to be added; if weighing 70 kg is required, 2 litres or more will be required.

A glass of water is about 200 to 250 ml, and we often hear "Drink 8 Cups of water every day basically this amount.

As a matter of fact, the abundance of water, such as water and congee, and the moisture in the porridge, can also be included in a single day.

When is it better to drink water?

Early the first glass of water is important, usually a 250 ml of warm water is available and the temperature is not too high to prevent the damage of oesophagus surface membrane, nor can it drink cold water. We should have less drink before we sleep, so that we can avoid sleeping at night. Don't wait until thirsty, but every two hours, remember to drink some water, and a day of drinking water.

Have you been drinking in the morning?

When you wake up in the morning, you can drink a temperature of 250 ml on an empty stomach, one drink, or a small number of times, so that it can help to squirm out of constipation and to dilute the blood.

I need to be aware of:
* there are kidney diseases, some of those who have metabolic diseases, need to ask doctors for appropriate drinking water, and excessive water will cause the burden of the body. �
* those with weak stomach intestines, avoid drinking tea, coffee, etc. �
* do not recommend to drink salt water in the morning, and so is the high blood pressure friends. �
* Diabetes Mellitus do not recommend the early onset of honey water, which is detrimental to blood sugar control. �
* for friends who have a habit of exercising their habits, because they will sweat to lose moisture, drink enough water or are necessary. If you run over half an hour, you need to recharge the water in time to avoid dehydration.

Mineral water is better than pure water?

Some people would say:
The lack of the mineral quality of the human body in pure water and the long-term consumption will result in the lack of minerals of the organism.
However, water is not the main source of mineral access to minerals. It is important to know that the minerals contained in the water consumed every day are simply ignored by the large amounts of trace elements and minerals in the food.
By the same token, mineral water is more conducive to health, and there is no strong evidence.
Water is water, and it does not cost too much of the "Health wellness" effect, and both water can be comfortable.

Gout patients need more water?

Gout has become a common disease of modern people," affluenza," a lot of people are suffering from gout, and a lot of people check out the high uric of acid.
For Gout or high uric, more water is needed.
Because uric acid is dissolved in urine, the more drained, the more uric acid.

Tips for heart, kidney function normal gout, drink more water, better than 2 litres per day.
The water here is just plain water or soda and pale, but it can't be beer, juice, thick soup, and so on, it will increase the level of high acid.

In addition, in order to prevent too much concentration of urine during sleep time, patients with gout can properly drink before bed.

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