
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Buku: Your Body Many Cries For Water

Buku ini ditulis oleh seorang doktor perubatan yang berasal dari Iran. Beliau pernah ditahan di dalam penjara Evin Prison sebagai seorang "political prisoner" semasa Revolusi Iran pada 1979. Di situlah beliau membuat penemuan tentang keajaiban air.

Beliau telah memberi minum 2 gelas air kepada seorang kawan sepenjaranya yang ketika itu mengalami kesakitan yang amat sangat kerana "peptic ulcer". Dalam masa 8 minit, sakit perutnya hilang. Kemudia beliau memberi minum air lagi setiap 3 jam dan akhirnya kawannya itu hilang sakit selama dia tinggal di penjara itu.

Penulis kemudiannya telah berjaya merawat lebih kurang 3000 kawan sepenjaranya yang mengalami sakit yang sama, disebabkan suasana penjara yang mengundang stress dan sakit perut.

Beliau dibebaskan pada tahun 1982, kemudian melarikan diri dari Iran ke USA,  dan menubuhkan the Foundation of Simple in Medicine. 


Our body contains 25% solid and 75% water.

Dry mouth is not a reliable indicator for hydration.
The body signals its water shortage by producing pain. 

Hence, the new paradigm:
Water, the solvent of the body, regulates all functions, including the activity of the solutes it dissolves and circulates. Water is actually plays a major factor in treating all sorts of diseases and problems in your body.

Source of error in MEDICINE: 
Persistent water shortage leads to chronic dehydration.

Our body has a Water distribution system - the only way of making sure that not only an adequate amount of water, but its transported elements, hormones, chemical messengers and nutrients, first reach the vital organs.

Drought management in your body - when the body is dehydrated, a rationing and distribution system, for the available water in the body becomes operative according to a predetermined priority program.

What happen when our body simply do not getting enough water?

The body becomes dehydrated. 
Pain is a signal of dehydration, chronic dehydration labelled as diseases.

How do you know that your body gets enough water?

Our body needs a minimum of 2.5L a day of good quality water.
This is equals to 8 to 10 glasses of water.
Coffee, tea, alcohol, soda do not count as water.
Do not wait until you are actually thirsty to drink.

For a 200lb person, needs water of 100oz daily.

Check your urine for easy indication of whether yo have taken enough water or not. 
  • Colorless means well-hydrated.
  • Dehydrated person has yellow urine.
  • Truly dehydrated person has orang urine.

How and when to take water?

0.5hr before food, take 1- 2 glasses of water.
1.5hr - 2.5hr  after food, take 1 glass of water. Drink more during this time.


Testimonies - treated with water intake of at least 2.5L daily, for a few days:

  • dyspepsia,
  • ulcer in the stomach,
  • duodenitis,
  • gastricitis,
  • heartburn
  • colitis pain
  • hiatus hernia
  • Rheumatoid arthritis pains indicators for water deficeincy in the affected point cartilgae surfaces.
  • Low back pain - water as the lubricating agent. treated with drink water and suggested specific exercises.
  • Neck pain
  • anginal pain
  • headaches
  • hypertension
  • stress and depression - water deficiency in the brain. the brain uses electical energy that is generated by water drive of the energy-generating pumps.
  • dehydration causes stess, stress causes further dehydration.

Chapter 7. high blood cholesterol

Our digestion system - water is the most essential ingredient in the process of digestion of food. Give ample water BEFORE we eat food. 2 full glasses of water before  meal.

Treatment - water before food, walking twice a day every 12hrs.

Excess cholesterol formation is the result of dehydration. with proper enzyme activity, any food can be digested, including its cholesterol content.

This author - habit - first thing in the morning, 2 -3 glasses of water.

Chapter 8. Excess body weight

We eat to supply the brain with energy for its constant round-the-clock activity. However, when the food is eaten, only abt 20% of it reaches the brain. (due to our lifestyle now).
The rest will gradually  become stored if muscle activity does not use up its allocated portion.

With water as a source of energy, this storage does not happen. Excess water will be passed out in the form of urine.

Chapter 9. asthma and allergies

Suggested treatment - water and a pinch of salt.

In dehydration, mucus secretion protects the air passages from drying.
In the first stage of asthma, the mucus secretion is to protect the tissues.
Salt is needed to break up the mucus in the lungs and render it watery for its expulsion from the airways.

The body needs to be assured that both water and salt are avail before bronchial constriction relaxes and mucus becomes loose enough to be secreted.

People with asthma shd increase slightly their salt intake.
Drink water - then add a pinch of salt after that.

Chapter 10. diabetes related.


Main factors for ideal health:
1. air
2. water
3. food
4. salt
5. exercise



1.1g to 1.4g of protein for every kg of body weight.
60kg needs 84g of protein.

Sources of food:

a) protein: 
egg, milk, legumes (beans), vege's, turke, chicken, beef, fish.

b) Milk products;
yogurt (the best), cheese.

c) Fats:
omega 3 and omega 6. (fish oil)
our body needs 6 - 9g of omega6. for the brain.
sources: cold water fish, eggs, algae. canola oil, sesame oil.

d) fruits, veges, sunlight. - for asthmatic, sunlight is the medicine.

Vit D, to lower cholesterol.

e) minerals:
the main ones that our body needs are: sodium, potasium, calcium, magnesium.

f) exercise - in sunlight. the best form of exercise is walking.

A Chapter on SALT:

For 10 glasses of water, add 3 half-teaspoon of salt a day.
Salt is necessary for water retention in the cells.
Salt is also a natural histamine.

Understanding what is histamine here;

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